Step III: Installing FFmpeg on Windows 10.Step II: Moving FFmpeg Folder to C Drive.Step I: Downloading & Extratcing FFmpeg Zip File.If not, right-click inside the box and click on paste. I noticed that when I copy a URL that the address automatically appears in the URL box in youtube-dl. So, on Facebook, click on the video until it opens to a full page, and then copy the web address at the top of the page Facebook had a similar feature but seems to have removed it.For Twitter, right-click on the video and click on Copy Video Address.Or right-click on the video and click on Copy Video URL.Click on the Share button just under the video and then click on Copy.Click on the video until it opens to a full page and then copy the web address or URL at the top of the page.There are a few ways to get this Video URL: Now, go to Youtube and get the web address of the video you want to download. Get The YouTube, Twitter, and/or Facebook Video addresses If you selected Yes, then navigate to your folder and click OK. Choose No to download to your default download folder or Yes if you want to specify a folder. Then you get a message concerning where to save your downloads.

At first, you’ll see their license agreement, the simplest one ever to read. Go to your youtube-dl folder and run youtube-dl-gui.exe.

If you downloaded the FFmpeg encoder, it’s a 7Zip file– extract the files and go to the BIN subfolder and copy the ffmpeg.exe file to your youtube-dl folder. Download and copy the youtube-dl.exe to that same folder. A settings.ini file that will be created when you first use the program. It includes youtube-dl-gui.exe and lang folder. The youtube-dl-gui.exe comes in a compressed ZIP file so extract the files to a single folder. Note: Make sure to install the Visual C++ and.

This utility has a built-in converter and merger option in which case you would need FFmpeg video encoder from here:.Get the graphical interface program here:.If you don’t already have it installed, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86):.